Our Team

Every Recovery Alliance staff member is in recovery.

Recovery Alliance Team


One of the unique characteristics of the Recovery Alliance staff is that each and every member is in recovery … We all “have been there”. While the details of our histories may vary, we all have shared the “gift” of recovery, and the realization of a new freedom and better manner of living.Our own experience with addictive illness has given us a unique understanding and compassion for the challenges of the recovery process. Therefore, we are united in our commitment to serve and offer support to each person with a desire to recover from all forms of substance use disorder.We remain active in the recovery community, and trust that our “success” stories will continue to create a positive “face of recovery” in El Paso and encourage others to seek a new way of life!

Ben Gray Bass

Executive Director, El Paso Alliance, Inc.

Ben Gray Bass, Executive Director, El Paso Alliance, Inc.  Ben Bass is the ExecutiveDirector of the Recovery Alliance of El Paso. Mr. Bass is in recovery and began at the Alliance as a volunteer.  He has been director of the Alliance since May2002 and has led the management team in a successful membership drive,organizing and mobilizing the recovery community, community assessments,development and delivery of peer-based recovery support services and financialstability.  Mr. Bass is the administratorof the El Paso Alliance, Inc., a 501 [c] 3 corporation. He is the chiefexecutive of the corporation and is currently operating contracts with theState of Texas to deliver peer recovery support services for people seekinghelp for opioid use disorders. TheAlliance has successfully completed four federal SAMHSA grants. The Allianceoperates a peer run residential recovery facility that serves individuals exitinghomelessness and others who wish to recover and guides them into the recoverycommunity through immersion in the culture of recovery.  

Mr. Bass is a Recovery Advocate in service to people seeking recovery from alcoholismand drug addiction.  He is the current vicepresident of the board of the El PasoCoalition for the Homeless; a former member of the board of directors of Faces and Voices of Recovery inWashington, DC; is on the Advisory Board of the South by Southwest Addiction Technology Transfer Center at the University of Texas at Austin; served asthe director of the Recovery Coalition ofEl Paso; on the Social ServiceAdvisory Board for Centro De Salud La Fe; is a current member of the Intergroup Committee of El Paso; servedas the president of the board of El PasoAlliance; as a member of the board of the West Texas Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse; El Paso’s Mayor’s Blue Ribbon Panel To End ChronicHomelessness In 10 Years; as a board member of the Recovery Coalition ofTexas, and the Texas Department of State Health Service’s Texas Recovery Initiative task forcemember.  Mr. Bass published in 2009 in Family Community Health Journal an articlecalled Faith Based Programs and TheirInfluence on Homelessness. In 2011 Mr. Bass was honored at the White Houseas a Presidential Champion of Change for this work.  Mr. Bass has led the developmentand execution of a five-point plan for sustainability for the corporation.  He is the sole employee of the board ofdirectors and reports to them on a monthly basis.  Prior to becoming director, he was a boardmember.  He has experience inadvertising, marketing, technology, business planning and consulting and in theoperation of a small business.  Mr. Basshas lived in El Paso, Texas since 1963.

Rev. Fr. George Gabriel Giorgetti

Priest: Holy Catholic Church – AR • CHAPLAIN • RECOVERY COACH

• Studies in: Philosophy, Theology, History and Social Work (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
• Former CRIME VICTIM’S ADVOCATE to DA’s Office, El Paso TX 34th Judicial District of Texas
Recovery, to me, is the best word to summarize “All the positive benefits” to physical, mental, spiritual, and social health that can happen when alcohol -and other drugs- dependent individual get the help they need. Those who are in recovery are typically, sober, working and independent life. Alcohol and drugs KILL, I want people to LIVE. "HELP, HOPE, HEALING and BE REBORN"
My slogan is: “With the heart to God, and hands to work.”
We ♡ Casa Vida!
Worship Service – HOLY MASS (Bilingual)
SUNDAYS 10AM Casa Vida
Chapel Cell: 915.373.5551
E-mail: rev.3ggg@gmail.com

Jamie Bailey

Peer recovery coach

My name is Jamie Enchinton and I am a person in long term recovery. What that means to me is that I have been afforded the opportunity to become a contributing member of society, a better daughter, sister, friend and partner and more importantly someone who can utilize their own experience, strength and hope to help someone else looking for recovery. I am a peer recovery support specialist for Project Vida and Casa Vida and through this work I am able to help individuals who suffer from substance use disorder and their loved ones. I am a yoga teacher (RYT 200) and I am currently pursuing a licensure in counseling.

Manny Burrola

HR, Accounting Dir.

Lupita Cortez

Kitchen Manager

Sergio Acevedo

Recovery Ally

Chris Bailey

Peer Recovery Coach

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